Peer reviewed publications specifically focusing on some of our ingredients

Measuring the oral bioavailability of protein hydrolysates derived from food sources: A critical review of current bioassays
Muhammad Mustafa Abeer, Sanja Trajkovic, David J. Brayden
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, December 2021

Artificial Intelligence in Functional Food Ingredient Discovery and Characterisation: A Focus on Bioactive Plant and Food Peptides
Aoife Doherty, Audrey Wall, Nora Khaldi and Martin Kussmann.
Frontiers in Genetics, November 2021

Preservatives from food – For food: Pea protein hydrolysate as a novel bio-preservative against Escherichia coli O157:H7 on a lettuce leaf
Niamh M. Mohan, Amine Zorgani, Leah Earley, Sweeny Chauhan, Sanja Trajkovic, John Savage, Alessandro Adelfio, Nora Khaldi, Marta Martins
Food Science & Nutrition 2021, Volume 9, Issue 11

An Artificial-Intelligence-Discovered Functional Ingredient, NRT_N0G5IJ, Derived from Pisum sativum, Decreases HbA1c in a Prediabetic Population
Sweeny Chauhan, Alish Kerr, Brian Keogh, Stephanie Nolan, Rory Casey, Alessandro Adelfio, Niall Murphy, Aoife Doherty, Heidi Davis, Audrey M. Wall and Nora Khaldi
Nutrients 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5

Discovery through Machine Learning and Preclinical Validation of Novel Anti-Diabetic Peptides
Rory Casey, Alessandro Adelfio, Martin Connolly, Audrey Wall, Ian Holyer and Nora Khaldi
Journal of Biomedicines 2021, Volume 9, Issue 3

pep_35E7UW, a natural peptide with cutaneous anti-ageing effects discovered within the Oryza Sativa proteome through machine learning
Kathy Kennedy, Roi Cal, Rory Casey, Therese Holton, Alessandro Adelfio, Audrey Wall, Nora Khaldi
Journal of Dermatology and Cosmetology 2020, Volume 5, Issue 5

Using artificial intelligence to reduce global healthcare costs through discovery and development of nutritional interventions
Aoife Doherty, Audrey Wall, Nora Khaldi.
International Journal of Nursing Didactics 2020, Volume10, Issue 09

An artificial intelligence characterised functional ingredient, derived from rice, inhibits TNF-a and significantly improves physical strength in an inflammaging population.
Kathy Kennedy, Brian Keogh, Cyril Lopez, Alessandro Adelfio, Brendan Molloy, Alish Kerr, Audrey M. Wall, Gaël Jalowicki, Thérèse A. Holton and Nora Khaldi.
Foods, 2020, Volume 9, Issue 9

Artificial intelligence identified peptides modulate inflammation in healthy adults.
Dietrich Rein, Philipp Ternes, Rodion Demin, Jürgen Gierke, Thrandur Helgason and Christiane Schön.
Food and Function, 2019, Volume 10, Issue 9

Using Peptidomics and Machine Learning to Assess Effects of Drying Processes on the Peptide Profile within a Functional Ingredient
Sweeny Chauhan, Sean O’Callaghan, Audrey Wall, Tomasz Pawlak, Ben Doyle, Alessandro Adelfio, Sanja Trajkovic, Mark Gaffney and Nora Khaldi
Processes, 2021, Volume 9, Issue 3
Infant formula: addressing the major peptide gap between formulae and human breast milk.

Human milk and infant formulae: peptide differences and the opportunity to address the functional gap.
Cyril Lopez , Alessandro Adelfio , Audrey M. Wall, Brendan Molloy , Thérèse A. Holton and Nora Khaldi.
Current Research in Food Science, 2020, Volume 3

Preclinical Evaluation of a Food-Derived Functional Ingredient to Address Skeletal Muscle Atrophy.
Roi Cal, Heidi Davis, Alish Kerr, Audrey Wall, Brendan Molloy, Sweeny Chauhan, Sanja Trajkovic, Ian Holyer, Alessandro Adelfio, Nora Khaldi
Nutrients, 2020, Volume 12, Issue 8

Characterising the efficacy and bioavailability of bioactive peptides identified for attenuating muscle atrophy within a Vicia faba-derived functional ingredient
Alberto R.Corrochano, RoiCal, KathyKennedy, AudreyWall, NiallMurphy, SanjaTrajkovic, SeanO’Callaghan, AlessandroAdelfio, Nora Khaldi
Current Research in Food Science, 2021, Volume 4
PeptiYouth™: An AI discovered and clinically validated anti-aging peptide

The anti-ageing effects of a natural peptide discovered by Artificial Intelligence
Kathy Kennedy, Roi Cal, Rory Casey, Cyril Lopez, Alessandro Adelfio, Brendan Molloy, Audrey M Wall, Thérèse A Holton, Nora Khaldi.
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2020, Volume 42, Issue 4

Unlocking a Potent Antimicrobial Peptide from a Common Pea.
Mohan, Amine Zorgani, Gael Jalowicki, Alish Kerr, Nora Khaldi and Marta Martins.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, Volume 10