February 1, 2024
By Asha Bolton
Peptide Longevity Bars Designed to Retain Muscle Strength, Aid Recovery, Support Healthy Aging

PEP, a trademark of Step Change Innovations, an independent product development organization, has launched PEP Bars, powered by Nuritas’ PeptiStrong—a clinically proven, fava bean ingredient for boosting muscle protein synthesis, reducing muscle protein breakdown, and decreasing exercise-induced inflammation.
The daily longevity bar is the first peptide bar specifically designed to renew and retain muscle strength, aid in faster recovery after exercise, and support healthy aging to maintain active lifestyle living.
Designed to fit and amplify a variety of lifestyles and wellness goals, PeptiStrong contributes to the renewal, recovery, and retention of muscle strength to support longevity and vitality, the company said.
“Muscle mass has profound impact on our health span; increase in muscle mass causes a 17% decrease in all-cause mortality (this includes deaths from to cardiovascular, total cancer, diabetes, and neuro-cognitive illness),” said Dr. Nora Khaldi, founder and CEO of Nuritas.
“Putting it another way, having more muscle will extend your life [BJSM 2022 56 Momma et al.]. Whereas the polypill (which has 5 cardiovascular medication shows only an 11% decrease [Progress in cardiovascular disease 2023 Vol 73, Rao et al.], she added. “As a leader in AI-based peptide discovery, this partnership with PEP and the launch of PEP bars marks a significant stride towards redefining the concepts of longevity and aging.”
PEP Bars are available in three flavors and crafted with clean, simple ingredients: Berry Bliss, Chocolate Fudge, and Honey Nut. Powered by plant-energized peptides, PEP Bars featuring PeptiStrong provide the fuel and peptides needed to build and maintain the body’s strength, encompassing but not limited to:
Strength to Renew: PEP Bars with PeptiStrong builds resilient muscle mass, with a proven 54% increase in performance during recovery.
Strength to Retain: Maintain muscle strength consistently over time and outpace age-related muscle weakness due to inactivity, with clinical studies proving a 54% of reduction in muscle loss.
Strength to Recover: PEP Bars with PeptiStrong expedite muscle strength recovery, with a 103% strength recovery rate compared to a 68% recovery rate from milk protein alone.
PEP Bars featuring PeptiStrong are free of artificial colors, flavors, and synthetic chemicals, and are non-GMO, soy-free, keto-friendly, and plant-based. Each flavor is available in boxes of 12 individually wrapped 1.75 ounce bars (MSRP $41.88/box) and are available for purchase in-store at grocery retailer Heinen’s and online at
Source: Nutraceuticals World