
November 9, 2012

By Nuritas

EnzymePredictor: A Tool for Predicting and Visualizing Enzymatic Cleavages of Digested Proteins

In this research article Dr. Nora Khaldi led the team to code and create the EnzymePredictor software [1]. In this software Nora and co-authors highlights the power of computational prediction on real biological data. Using the online software one can predict and visualize the enzymes that have contributed to protein digestion of a hydrolysate. Nora was delighted to create this concept, supervise, and build the software with this great team.

1. Vijayakumar, V., Guerrero, A. N., Davey, N., Lebrilla, C. B., Shields, D. C., Khaldi, N.*. EnzymePredictor: A Tool for Predicting and Visualizing Enzymatic Cleavages of Digested Proteins. J Proteome Res, 2012. 11(12): p. 6056-65.
* Corresponding author.

You can find this article at the following link

You can find the software at the following link